Today we started potty training with Ayden! Potty training was always the part of kids that I never looked forward to. I always have thought it ment many weeks/months of accidents and making progress and then regressing. To say the least, I was not looking forward to potty training Ayden... A few months ago I was reading a friend from college's blog and she blogged about this 3 day potty training. It sounded like it worked pretty well for them so I checked out the website. I really like that it was only 3 days (who doesn't have 3 days to commit to potty training) and it was also a very positive approach that centered around your child and teaching them how it feels when you have to go potty though accidents. So we decided this was going to be what we do but I needed to wait till after we had Ahnie and give Ayden time to adjust to our new family of four. Then he started getting really bad diaper rashes and every time he would poop it would burn his bottom and he would scream and cry when I needed to change him. I finally decided that we have to try potty training and if it is too soon we would stop and try again later but we had to try something! So here we are! :)
We spent the last two weeks talking about going potty in the big potty! We went and bought a potty seat and some big boy under ware. After he went to bed I made a sticker chart for him and had a few surprises ready for him when he got up. We got up like normal and during breakfast we talked about our big first day of potty training. We spent most of the morning in our under ware in the kitchen (easier to clean the accidents)! We spend time having snacks and juice boxes (a new treat) and lot of time coloring! We also made some jello and he helped me do little chores around the house. Brett took the day off to take care of Ahnie so I could focus my attention to Ayden. This is one big part of her potty training process. It was so great to spend some quality time with just Ayden, that hasn't happened very often since Ahnie has been born.
Well, this morning was a good morning but long! Until nap he had 10 accidents and had not gone potty on the potty yet. The main thing that you do is constantly ask your child if their under ware is dry and praise them when it is and tell them constantly to tell you when you have to go potty. The idea is they don't know what it feels like yet so they have to learn. When they start to go you scoup them up and try to get them to the potty. He went though phases of having big accidents then he started telling me a lot he had to go but barely sit down then his accidents would only get his under ware a little wet. Then nap time. For naps and bed we decided we would use pull ups.
After naps I was a little unsure if this was really going to work. We had a few more accidents and then after dinner at 7:00 he started to have an accident and looked at us and said potty! I scooped him up and ran him to the potty and we sat and sat and he finally went! Brett and I were so exited! I wish I had a camera going to see our reactions. Ayden finally got to put a sticker on his chart after 12 X's and got an M&M. Brett was so excited he went to get everyone 4 queens. We stayed home and called both "MeMa's" (Grandma) to tell them the exciting news!
Then it was bed time... We put the pull ups back on and put him to bed. He kept coming out and would tell us he had to go potty. Finally he went again!!! So we had 12 accidents and 2 stickers on day one! I can honestly said I was up and down all day about how it was going but at the end of the day he seems to have learned a little. I am excited to see what day 2 has in store for us!
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