Right around the time Ayden first climbed out of his bed a family from church had asked us if we were in need of a toddler bed and so we were able to get a used one from them. They also had the sheets that Ayden loved from Target! They have balls all over them!! Ayden and I went to pick up the bed and bedding. When we got home I showed him the sheets and comforter and he would not let me take them off the floor. I laid them out for him to see and every time I tried folding them up or picking them up to wash them he would say "no" or "more"! He loved his bedding and always wanted to play on them!!!
After a few days of him just playing with the sheets we moved in the bed. We put it in the living room for an evening so he could just play on it while Brett moved one last thing in his room. Ayden loved jumping on the bed and kept trying to walk off the bed. I figured we should probably wait a few more days before we attempted to actually put him to sleep in it. We spent those days showing everyone that came over his new big boy bed in his room and talking about his football blanket and reading in his bed.
New Years Eve came and Brett and I were going to be home for the night so we decided that tonight was the night! We let him fall asleep in his crib and when we knew he was asleep we put him in his bed. He did great!!! He woke up once and we put him back in the toddler bed and he went back to sleep. There have been a few nights where we put him back in his crib but for the most part he is totally in his toddler bed! On average he comes and wakes us up once a night but when we take him back to bed he goes right to sleep and we don't hear from him again until morning. Morning has started to get a little earlier this week and he has learned how to come in the living room and turn on the tv!
We are still having some trouble falling asleep at night. Naps are great but at night he has a harder time going to sleep in his bed. Sometimes he sits by the door until he falls asleep and then we carry him to bed!
Ayden loves his bed! His favorite things to do in it is read books and jump on the bed! When Madi comes over they can usually be found at some point jumping on the bed!
Madi LOOOOOOVES Ayden's big boy bed too!!
he looks sooo big!! :)
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