
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

5 months old!

Ayden turned 5 months old on December 27th. Last month I thought was eventful but he was just figuring things out...this month he had many firsts! It was such a fun month to watch him grow and change! Here are some pictures of the month!

He learned how to roll over from back to tummy. It makes it so much easier for him to play when he is can get to his tummy when ever he wants. Next month we will work on rolling from tummy to back! :)

We tried cereal for the first time. He really enjoyed it when it is mixed with breast milk but doesn't like it if I mix it with water. We are going to try baby food next month and I am going to try to make my own!

We can now sit up by ourself!!! This was the first time and he sat there with no blanket or help while I searched the house for the camera! I was happy to see him still sitting when I came back! :)

Ayden's first Christmas was great! It was so fun to be able to start our own family traditions along with celebrating with both of our families! This picture is Ayden and his cousin Jacob. Last time we saw them Jacob didn't pay much attention to Ayden but this time he would get him toys and hug and kiss him! I think this picture is so sweet!

And here is the monthly picture. I couldn't find the right moment to take the picture throughout the day so after he fell asleep I made Brett take this picture. I thought the pose was so funny!

1 comment:

Kris Hoskinson said...

he is really growing! such a cutie