This past month Ahnie has gone from eating every 3 hours, even at night, to eating every 3 hours during the day and now going 4-5 hour stretches at night. She also had a hard time getting back to sleep at night after her feeding. She never had her days and nights confused but she really liked being held. We did spend some nights with her in our bed and she would go 6 hours between feedings but both Brett and I really did not feel comfortable with her in our bed. So we spent her first 2-3 weeks working on getting her back to sleep and in her bed. We started out using our pack and play, then tried using a wedge thing for her to help her feel cozy, then switched to a bassinet. We also have been using a sleep sack with a swaddle wrap. Ayden loved his swaddle me blankets but I think they are too confining for Ahnie. Now she is doing great and we both have a rhythm going at night and we are both back to sleep within a half hour usually.
She is now starting to stay awake more. She usually will be awake for about an hour from the start of her feeding then we play for about 30-45 minutes. She likes to lay under her play gym or on the floor but all her toys are much more exciting when Ayden is playing with her. Ayden loves to play with her and has been great! I will say there have been a few bumps with a rattle or toy but he never tried to do it and feels very bad after. I'm sure she will be one tough cookie growing up with her brother! Ayden loves to shower her with kisses and hugs! He loves to try to giver her a binky, toys or blankets. He has been such a great big brother to her already!!!
At her 2 week apt Ahnie weighed in at 8lbs 11oz and still 21 inches long. On Saturday I tried to weigh her with me on our scale and it said close to 12 lbs. I don't know how accurate that is but her size 1 diapers are getting tight and her 3 month clothes fit perfectly and I will be guessing we will be getting out 6 month clothes in the near future.
Some of Ahnie's likes are her swing, crib, bouncy seat, Ayden, tummy time, laying with daddy, eating, rocking with mommy and being held.
Some things she does not like are diaper changes, her binky sometimes, changing her clothes.
She also had her first bottle on Saturday. She did great and even let me give her a little bit of it!
Ahnie has been a pretty good baby! Ayden was a very easy, go with the flow baby. I feel bad because when anyone asks us how Ahnie has been we always say not as good as her brother was but really she is pretty easy going as well. She really only cries when something is wrong and you usually can quickly figure out what that is and then she quiets down. She has become such a wonderful addition to our family! I am so excited to see Ayden and her continue to play together more and more as the months and years go on! I have also really enjoyed having a girl!! I loved all that came with Ayden being a boy but having a girl has also been just as much fun!!!
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