Ahnie turned two months old on Tuesday! This past month has gone so quickly and she has really fit into our family so well! It's hard to imagine our family with out her! It's even hard to remember back to when it was just 3 of us! I love that feeling of your family changing and it feeling so perfect!
This past month Ahnie has become more predictable! She eats every 3 hours, then we try to keep her up to play for atleast an hour and then she sleeps. She is a good sleeper until about 30 mins before her next feeding then she needs her binky every so often. We moved her into Ayden's room a few weeks ago. I was a little nervous about this but it has been great! She started sleeping longer stretches and she has only woken up Ayden a few times but I am usually in there to put him right back to bed. He has been amazing with the transition as well! Since we moved her to the crib she only wakes up once a night to eat. She gets her last feeding at 9pm and put right to bed then will wake up only once anytime between 2:30 and 6 am. This has been wonderful!!!
Ahnie started growing out of her 3 month clothes at about 6 weeks and now is only wearing 6 month clothes! I always get so sad to see how quick my kids grow out of their clothes!
She had her doctors appointment on Tuesday and she weighted in at 13lbs 14oz (90th%) and her length was 23 1/2inches (95th) her head is 15 inches (25th %). Just like Ayden big and long but a small head! She loved being on the table at the doctors office and just coo'ed, and kicked so much! Ahnie got her first round of shots and she did not like them! She cried a lot quicker than Ayden ever did and was very fussy the rest of the day/night. We had to keep giving her tylonal and you could tell her legs were very sore. I felt so bad for her but the next morning she was a different baby! So happy and content!
Ahnie had a few firsts this month! She started smiling at 5 weeks. She found her hands and loves to suck on her fists. She now really likes to play under her play gym and sit in her bouncy seat. She loves her crib and her piano toy in her crib. She is really starting to get to be more fun because she is more alert and responds to us more and more each day!