As I sit here, Ahnie in her bed not quite asleep for her nap but in her bed. AJ downstairs resting on the couch with Brett, again not asleep but quiet I can't help but think what our lives will be like in a week!
Our life has been crazy since we found out we were pregnant. Everything from Closing on our first house, moving again 2 more times before making it into our new home, AJ in his first year of preschool, Ahnie starting in an in home daycare when normally she was at our home with a college student, Ayden deciding that napping is over rated, finishing the school year with my job for next year a little shaky (now knowing that I will be doing the same thing), getting into the swing of summer to find that our kids both think going to bed is over rated and some nights our wonderful sleeper (Ahnie) would be wide awake at mid-night, taking a summer course that was everyday for two weeks, Brett busy with baseball games and practice daily, AJ's Tball schedule and now the week that we will hopefully meet our precious baby girl!
We have been blessed by so many things this year but also having that feel of being in the middle of a whirlwind... As soon as I think we are at a new normal something would change. It has been a busy season in our lives. I am so excited to welcome our newest baby girl into our family. So excited for a newborn to slow our lives down a bit. Keeping us a little closer to home and little closer to a schedule and hopefully it will be a great thing for our family! I love having summer babies because we can still make it to the park for a bit and they are so easy to come along where ever the big kids need to go because the only schedule they have is eating and sleeping. I am hoping for a few more days at home, calm just us, and enjoying our lives together.
It has been so fun hearing Ayden and Ahnie talk about the new baby. Ahnie has loved all the baby things that have been put together for the baby. You can find her babies in the bouncy seat, swing and bassinet daily. I am often told that I need to be quiet because her baby is sleeping. She is constantly talking about her baby sister and her clothes, diapers, binkies and blankets. Right before bed it never fails, she looks over at me and say Mommy, I love ______ (baby). She talks about her so much that I think many have figured out her name. Ayden on the other hand has been curious and asks great questions about the baby. He will rub my tummy and ask if she is moving so he can feel her kick. But has not been to excited about the physical stuff like his sister. I have noticed him become so gentle when our friends with new babies come over. He has been very interested in them and wanting to hold them, read to them, make them smile/laugh. Then he quickly asks if his baby will do that. He still has yet to say the name but I think he is over making up names for her and just calls her "baby". I can't wait to see how he is when he first meets her.
Dear Baby Williams, You are so loved even before we have set eyes on you! You are talked about daily and we are very anxiously awaiting your arrival. You have a big brother and sister that already adore you and can't wait to see you! Their life will change when you come but I am so excited to see how we all become a family of 5!!!
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